viernes, 20 de enero de 2017

Lesson 12: The Origin of Races

Write a four paragraph essay explaining the reason there are different races and send to me by email. Additional research may be required. Please cite your sources.

Lesson 11: Evolution

Lesson 11: Evolution

You've briefly been introduced to the topic of evolution from a biblical perspective. As a reminder, evolution can be defined as a simple form, that over a period of time, develops into a complex life form. This same definition can be used to describe macroevolution. For example, an ameba gradually becoming a human.
We don’t question microevolution, which are those variations occurring within a species or subspecies. In microevolution, a bird’s beak may change in length or a butterfly may change in color, but nothing new comes into being.

Creationism is a legitimate scientific concept. Creationism teaches us the spontaneous existence of a complex life form. This is the truth that we have a Creator or architect that created and designed all.

It’s important to understand that both of these arguments concern not only scientists and the religious. This transcends into other sectors such as educators, politicians and entire communities, as they need to determine what should be taught in schools, what laws to enact...evolution, creationism, or both. The press also becomes involved as it tries to cover both sides of the spectrum. This subject should also concern you. I’m certain you’ve already asked, where did I come from and why am I here. At this moment, maybe you’re trying to determine who you are, what you want to do with your life. If you haven’t, most certainly you will in the future. Remember that the Bible does not teach us that we came from an ameba or any other simple form. God formed you and breathed the breath of life into you.

In you considering the above mentioned questions, consider how the theory of evolution doesn’t rely on solid arguments.

  1. The Law of Biogenesis is attributed to Louis Pasteur and is widely accepted. This law basically states that complex living things come from other complex living things by reproduction. Have you ever heard of a scientist developing a complex life form from a simple one? NO! We know that life currently emerges from a pre existing one. Did God not say to Adam and Eve to reproduce?
  2. Let’s consider Darwin’s idea of “natural selection” or the “survival of the fittest.” This idea tells us that a living thing will try to get rid of all the bad variations and try to keep all the good ones to survive. For example, take a horse that has long legs, allowing it to run faster, then we can say that it can easily escape predators. This ability would allow it to survive. These are the good variations that the horse would try to keep to maintain it alive. However, this idea doesn’t explain HOW different life forms were created or HOW these species came to adapt. We can’t rely or be led to believe an idea that’s easily lacking.
  3. Finally, consider the science of genetics. While a fairly new science, the genetic code is now universal. This code is always copied exactly the same way. There are VERY rare instances when this code isn’t copied exactly the same way and 99% of the time they’re harmful to the living form. This works against evolution as it believes that mutations or alterations must happen to form a complex living thing. The genetic code cannot be altered as it can have major, harmful consequences.

Take a look at the table below to review evolution and creationism.

  • Everything came into existence randomly, without any supernatural explanation.
  • Every living thing came to be from a simple cell organism, like an amino acid or protein.
  • A Creator or architect created and designed all.
  • The universe has been designed by a Creator.
  • Creation is deliberate.