miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Lesson 6 Abortion



Before we can begin to discuss this contentious topic in the every day world, we must first understand that a Christian's life is governed by God's word (the Bible) and the Holy Spirit. In the video above, it asks, when does life begin? This question initiates the conversation regarding abortion as this has greatly influenced major decisions in our society, such as Roe v. Wade (1973), a landmark case determining when someone could end a pregnancy. To me, this is similar to asking, when does someone start being a person? Just to have an idea of how secularism views pro-life advocates, it has categorized opponents of abortion into two groups: those who oppose it on moral grounds (abortion is murder) and those arguing that it's anti-constitutional (judges can't make decisions on this topic, only legislators). As you also just saw, innumerable answers are provided by scientists attempting to determine when life begins. 

 Analyze the image below and write down your thoughts.

                                                                                         Image by Answers in Genesis
I would like to challenge your world perception for a moment and think about how we're taught
to accept a scientist's theory or opinion. We're almost being asked not to question their theories.
Whenever a doctor hands us a prescription, we almost never question what has been given to
us. We take it, entrusting our lives to these individuals. I hold nothing against scientists or
medical professionals, however, having been made in the image of God, I think, analyze,
therefore I question. I question the philosophy, not the individual.

While I think, analyze and question, I recognize that my mentality has its limitations. I recognize that
theories and philosophies never truly arrive at a joint conclusion. This is where I turn to the
Supreme, the All-Knowing. My arguments against abortion will not be based on a scientific,
political, or philosophical perspective. I will move away from a human perspective. I turn to
God's Word. I look at Genesis and learn that I have been created in the image of God (1:27).  I also learn in Genesis 9:6 (take a moment to read it in your Bible) to find that killing is against God's will because we were made in His image. We were made in God's image because we have a will and the ability to think and feel (Gen. 2:7). This is what differentiates us from animals. Being made in God's image has a great implication and significance. In Jeremiah 1:5, we find that God tells Jeremiah that He knew him before being formed in the womb. We also learn of the importance and relationship between blood and life. Blood is associated with life (Gen. 9:4, Lev. 17:11, Deut. 12:23). In addition to being told that we are made in the image of God, that He formed us in the womb, we are also told that blood signifies life. As you learned, life is continuous. From conception to eternity. We don't have the power to determine when to end it. Our foundation for being against abortion lays on the Word of God, not a person's mentality.

I cannot go without mentioning that science has been beneficial in many areas, for example, 
  • We now have seen that at 22 days since inception the heart starts beating. 
  • By 40 days, a baby's brain has developed in such a way that brain waves can start being measured.
  •  By 12 weeks, the baby's facial muscles start to move, demonstrating what has been described as smiles.
  • From the time of conception, the baby has unique genetic information, already making him/her a separate person from the mother. 

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