viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

Lesson 14: Chastity & Purity

Lesson 14: Chastity & Purity

"Chastity is the most unpopular of the Christian virtues." -- C.S. Lewis

Is it realistic to think that chastity (the state or practice of refraining from extramarital or especially from all, sexual intercourse) is possible in today's society? It certainly is! Nowadays, you're told that it's not possible. Mostly everyone you know first had kids and possibly are now married. Premarital sex can actually destabilize marriages. If you have self-control before you're married, how do you think this can help once you're already married? Premarital sex is dangerous as it can damage your relationships, judgement, family, and your body. Today's world has forgotten about the beauty of God's plan. Two people together who are committed for life. Remember that there's no sexual relationship approved by God outside of marriage. 

Please do the following assignment and return to me by email.

Honor God with Your Body 
1 Corinthians 6:18-20 
1. How have you seen people flee from sexual impurity? 
2. How might you see yourself fleeing from sexual impurity? 
3. Why do you feel the Bible says “the man who sins sexually sins against his own body”? 
4. What do you think the Scripture means when it says “you are not your own, you are bought at a price”? 
5. How might this affect the way you live your life, particularly physically? 

Renewing Your Mind for Good 
Romans 12:1-2 
1.What do you think it means to be a “living sacrifice”? 
2. How have you seen people conforming to the pattern of this world? 
3. How have you seen people not conforming to the pattern of this world? 
4. What do you think renewing your mind has to do with the things you think about? (See Philippians 4:8-9) 

Turning Your Eyes From Worthless Things 
Matthew 6:22-23
1. What do you think God cares about this? 
2. How does what you see feed what your brain thinks about? What are ways this can be good or bad? 
3. What are some things you can do to be more in control over the things you look at? 

Guarding Your Heart Above All Else 
Proverbs 4:23 
1. When a soldier does “guard-duty,” what does he or she have to do? 
2. What do you feel it means to “guard your heart”? 
3. What should “guarding our hearts” look like in real life? 
4. Why is it hard to “guard our hearts?” 
5. How can God help us to “guard our hearts?” 


Lesson 13: Homosexuality

Lesson 13: Homosexuality

You may have already encountered some of your classmates expressing negatively in regards to Christianity. The Barna group found that  young people think that Christians show “excessive contempt and unloving attitudes towards gays and lesbians.” 91% of young non-Christians and 80% of young churchgoers think Christianity is “anti-homosexual.” You may have felt at times in a decision between your faith and friends. Maybe you’ve felt this way because you don’t know how to respond or don’t want to be the strange one among your group of friends.

Read 1 Peter 3:15. We’re instructed to always be prepared with a gentle and respectful answer whenever we are asked about our faith or our Christian perspective. As Christians we cannot be involved in quarrels. It’s not our goal to win a debate. It’s always our goal to reflect our Lord Jesus Christ. We are to be wise, astute, perceptive as the snake and innocent as the dove (Mt. 10:16).

Before we can present an answer, we must understand and have total conviction of what the Bible teaches us regarding homosexuality. Follow the link below to read an article titled, A Biblical View on Homosexuality.

Also read the article below,

The Bible teaches us that male and female were created by God (Gen. 1:27). While different, complementary. He created them for one another. From the very beginning and Jesus goes back to the beginning when he teaches about the types of marital relationships that should exists between a male and female (Mt. 19:1-12). There is no gray areas for whether marriage or a union should be between a male-male or female-female.

Now view the video below.

In addition to founding our beliefs on the Bible, you may also consider the natural law, the common good, and public health. Below’s a suggestion on how you can respond to someone who has an opposing viewpoint:
  1. Re-state your statements with questions. I’m curious to know your thoughts on this. Can you tell me why you think if something is genetic, it must be right?
  2. If someone makes a claim, it’s their job to defend it, not yours to refute. We shouldn’t do all the work for them. Ask them how they came to that conclusion or to provide reasons for thinking that’s true.
  3. Treat homosexuals the way you would anyone else who is without Christ.
  4. Make a long-term difference. Sometimes we focus on trying to change or stop a person’s sinful life, instead of first treating them like a person without Christ in their life. It will not be us changing them. However, we do have a responsibility to announce Christ in our life.

Source: Apologetics for a New Generation

EVALUATION: Write a response as to what impacted you the most about this lesson, what you learned, and how you plan to apply it to your life? Send it to me by email or text message.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2017

Lesson 12: The Origin of Races

Write a four paragraph essay explaining the reason there are different races and send to me by email. Additional research may be required. Please cite your sources.

Lesson 11: Evolution

Lesson 11: Evolution

You've briefly been introduced to the topic of evolution from a biblical perspective. As a reminder, evolution can be defined as a simple form, that over a period of time, develops into a complex life form. This same definition can be used to describe macroevolution. For example, an ameba gradually becoming a human.
We don’t question microevolution, which are those variations occurring within a species or subspecies. In microevolution, a bird’s beak may change in length or a butterfly may change in color, but nothing new comes into being.

Creationism is a legitimate scientific concept. Creationism teaches us the spontaneous existence of a complex life form. This is the truth that we have a Creator or architect that created and designed all.

It’s important to understand that both of these arguments concern not only scientists and the religious. This transcends into other sectors such as educators, politicians and entire communities, as they need to determine what should be taught in schools, what laws to enact...evolution, creationism, or both. The press also becomes involved as it tries to cover both sides of the spectrum. This subject should also concern you. I’m certain you’ve already asked, where did I come from and why am I here. At this moment, maybe you’re trying to determine who you are, what you want to do with your life. If you haven’t, most certainly you will in the future. Remember that the Bible does not teach us that we came from an ameba or any other simple form. God formed you and breathed the breath of life into you.

In you considering the above mentioned questions, consider how the theory of evolution doesn’t rely on solid arguments.

  1. The Law of Biogenesis is attributed to Louis Pasteur and is widely accepted. This law basically states that complex living things come from other complex living things by reproduction. Have you ever heard of a scientist developing a complex life form from a simple one? NO! We know that life currently emerges from a pre existing one. Did God not say to Adam and Eve to reproduce?
  2. Let’s consider Darwin’s idea of “natural selection” or the “survival of the fittest.” This idea tells us that a living thing will try to get rid of all the bad variations and try to keep all the good ones to survive. For example, take a horse that has long legs, allowing it to run faster, then we can say that it can easily escape predators. This ability would allow it to survive. These are the good variations that the horse would try to keep to maintain it alive. However, this idea doesn’t explain HOW different life forms were created or HOW these species came to adapt. We can’t rely or be led to believe an idea that’s easily lacking.
  3. Finally, consider the science of genetics. While a fairly new science, the genetic code is now universal. This code is always copied exactly the same way. There are VERY rare instances when this code isn’t copied exactly the same way and 99% of the time they’re harmful to the living form. This works against evolution as it believes that mutations or alterations must happen to form a complex living thing. The genetic code cannot be altered as it can have major, harmful consequences.

Take a look at the table below to review evolution and creationism.

  • Everything came into existence randomly, without any supernatural explanation.
  • Every living thing came to be from a simple cell organism, like an amino acid or protein.
  • A Creator or architect created and designed all.
  • The universe has been designed by a Creator.
  • Creation is deliberate.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

Lesson 10: Evolution

View the video below. After you're finished, send at least one written paragraph (six sentences or more) with a reflection to sister Claudia by text or email.

Lesson 9: Evolution

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Creation Wise: Thinketh

It's inevitable that you’ll be presented with the theory of evolution as fact. Today, many ridicule anyone who question the theory of evolution; even after considering that more than 80% of college graduates agree to having the academic freedom to discussing both the strengths and weaknesses of evolution as a scientific theory. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines evolution as:
“biology : a theory that the differences between modern plants and animals are because of changes that happened by a natural process over a very long time.”
Whenever you hear of evolution, the illustration showing the transformation of a monkey to a man might come to mind. Evolution theorizes that a simple form eventually became a complex form (humankind).

Charles Darwin  (1809-1882) is the name most commonly associated with evolution. At one point in his life he was a christian and clergyman. He stated that he “did not then in the least doubt the strict and literal truth of every word in the Bible.” His views of God were changed after being exposed to the cruelties of slavery and the death of his 10-year-old daughter. He started to question God and the reasons He would allow such horrible things to happen. Eventually, he became an agnostic. His well-known literary work, The Origin of Species, was revolutionary and many thought it explained evolution through his idea of natural selection (the process by which plants and animals that can adapt to changes in their environment are able to survive and reproduce while those that cannot adapt do not survive).

The Bible teaches that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). It also teaches us that “God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Gen. 1:27). As Bible believing christians we refute the idea that humankind came from some simple form. Below are three arguments that invalidate the idea of evolution.

  1. The earth is more than 6,000 years old. Evolution would require at minimum, millions of years for transformations to happen.
  2. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the blueprint to life. This is the long ladder twisted into a spiral. This is an amazing and complex code that it’s unlikely  we came into existence by accident. Some have argued instead, that we must consider the possibility of a Creator. Scientist Francis Collins stated,
“When you have for the first time in front of you this 3.1-billion-letter instruction book that conveys all kinds of information and all kinds of mystery about humankind, you can’t survey that going through page after page without a sense of awe. I can’t help but look at those pages and have a vague sense that this is giving me a glimpse of God’s mind.”

Also, while there may be DNA similarities between chimpanzees and humans (86-99%), we can’t arrive at the conclusion that we have a common ancestry. Steven Jones, a renowned British geneticist, humorously commented, “We also share about 50% of our DNA with bananas and that doesn’t make us half bananas.”
3. Remember that illustration of a monkey transforming into a man? Well, if evolution was correct, you’ll think there would be many fossils showing these transitions. Wrong. There are none. Richard Leakey, paleoanthropologist admitted,
“If pressed about man’s ancestry, I would have to unequivocally say that all we have is a huge question mark. To date, there has been nothing found to truthfully purport as a transitional species to man, including Lucy…”

Each day, this world grows farther and farther away from God and with it -- it’s uncertainty of where it came from and where it’s heading. Remember that you’re God’s creation and he has a purpose for you. You did not simply come to be from dirt or bacteria. Allow God to fulfill His purpose in you.

Quiz link:

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Lesson 8 - Euthanasia Part II

What does the Bible say about Euthanasia?

The Bible does not specifically mention euthanasia, but it does address issues closely related to it. Euthanasia is known by different terms such as mercy killing, assisted suicide, etc. It is the act of assisting someone in his or her own death who is terminally ill, suffering, and in great pain. The goal of the assisted suicide is to prevent the continuation of pain.
The Bible tells us that we are not to murder (Exodus 20:13). Murder is the unlawful taking of life, and killing is the lawful taking of life. Technically speaking, if a nation said that euthanasia was legal, then on a human level it would not be murder. But as societies often legislate moral issues in contradiction to the Bible and just because a society might say that euthanasia is good, does not mean that it is. We are to obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29).
We are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26), and it is the Lord God who gives us life (Job 33:4) and who has numbered our days (Job 14:5). This means that God is the sovereign Lord who determines the day that we die. Therefore, we are not to usurp God's authority.

In the Bible . . . 

In the Book of Job when Job is under great distress and in great pain, his wife says to him “'Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die!' 10 But he said to her, 'You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?' In all this Job did not sin with his lips,” (Job 2:9-10). Basically, Job's wife wanted him to euthanize himself to avoid the pain of his life, but Job refused to do so, and in this he did not sin.
Heb. 9:27, “And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.” 
The Bible tells us that it is God who appoints people to die. Essentially, assisted suicide is an attempt to deny God His sovereign right to appoint who dies when. We must be careful not to take into our own hands the right that belongs to God.
There is nothing in the Bible that tells us we must do everything we can to keep someone alive for as long as possible. So, we are not under obligation to prolong the life of someone who is suffering.  If someone is terminally ill and in great pain, we should make the person as comfortable as possible during this process of dying. We should not hasten his death. Instead, we should let death take its natural course but make every effort to comfort those who are suffering.
Finally, like so many things in the world, when a small compromise is made, many injustices are eventually allowed. If euthanasia is permitted under the emotional and moral claim that it is best for the individual, what is to prevent the government from eventually stepping in and determining who else needs to be terminated? Might the definition of euthanasia be expanded to include those who are suffering from chronic depression--or just don’t like living--or are not productive in society? We must ask that if the door to killing people in their old age is opened, can it ever be closed again?
Think about it. The beginning of life is now open to destruction in abortion, and the end of life is now being considered for destruction as well. Like a vise that closes from either end, how many of those in the middle will fall prey to the depravity of man's moral relativism and love affair with sin that always brings death?

Article from The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry

Quiz link:

Lesson 7 Euthanasia

Eutanasia: “Es toda acción u omisión que, en el contexto de la enfermedad o la discapacidad, provoca la muerte de manera intencional.” - Definición de Nigel Cameron

Euthanasia: “The act or practice of killing someone who is very sick or injured in order to prevent any more suffering.” -Merriam-Webster Dictionary

View the video below and then follow the link to take a short evaluation.

Quiz link:

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Lesson 6 Abortion



Before we can begin to discuss this contentious topic in the every day world, we must first understand that a Christian's life is governed by God's word (the Bible) and the Holy Spirit. In the video above, it asks, when does life begin? This question initiates the conversation regarding abortion as this has greatly influenced major decisions in our society, such as Roe v. Wade (1973), a landmark case determining when someone could end a pregnancy. To me, this is similar to asking, when does someone start being a person? Just to have an idea of how secularism views pro-life advocates, it has categorized opponents of abortion into two groups: those who oppose it on moral grounds (abortion is murder) and those arguing that it's anti-constitutional (judges can't make decisions on this topic, only legislators). As you also just saw, innumerable answers are provided by scientists attempting to determine when life begins. 

 Analyze the image below and write down your thoughts.

                                                                                         Image by Answers in Genesis
I would like to challenge your world perception for a moment and think about how we're taught
to accept a scientist's theory or opinion. We're almost being asked not to question their theories.
Whenever a doctor hands us a prescription, we almost never question what has been given to
us. We take it, entrusting our lives to these individuals. I hold nothing against scientists or
medical professionals, however, having been made in the image of God, I think, analyze,
therefore I question. I question the philosophy, not the individual.

While I think, analyze and question, I recognize that my mentality has its limitations. I recognize that
theories and philosophies never truly arrive at a joint conclusion. This is where I turn to the
Supreme, the All-Knowing. My arguments against abortion will not be based on a scientific,
political, or philosophical perspective. I will move away from a human perspective. I turn to
God's Word. I look at Genesis and learn that I have been created in the image of God (1:27).  I also learn in Genesis 9:6 (take a moment to read it in your Bible) to find that killing is against God's will because we were made in His image. We were made in God's image because we have a will and the ability to think and feel (Gen. 2:7). This is what differentiates us from animals. Being made in God's image has a great implication and significance. In Jeremiah 1:5, we find that God tells Jeremiah that He knew him before being formed in the womb. We also learn of the importance and relationship between blood and life. Blood is associated with life (Gen. 9:4, Lev. 17:11, Deut. 12:23). In addition to being told that we are made in the image of God, that He formed us in the womb, we are also told that blood signifies life. As you learned, life is continuous. From conception to eternity. We don't have the power to determine when to end it. Our foundation for being against abortion lays on the Word of God, not a person's mentality.

I cannot go without mentioning that science has been beneficial in many areas, for example, 
  • We now have seen that at 22 days since inception the heart starts beating. 
  • By 40 days, a baby's brain has developed in such a way that brain waves can start being measured.
  •  By 12 weeks, the baby's facial muscles start to move, demonstrating what has been described as smiles.
  • From the time of conception, the baby has unique genetic information, already making him/her a separate person from the mother. 

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

Lesson 5 Intro to Eugenics

Watch the video presentation by Dr. Georgia Purdom (above) and take detailed notes. This is an introduction to the subjects surrounding abortion, euthanasia and evolution. In your notebook, answer the following after watching:
  • What determines if a human being should live?
  • Who has the right to life? 
  • Who has the power to decide who lives and dies?
  • How much of an impact can a scientific idea have?    
Please send me a picture of your answers via text message or email.

viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

Lesson 4 La Homosexualidad a Través del Lente Bíblico

Due by March 25

Últimamente, se ha escuchado hablar sobre el tema del matrimonio homosexual como un derecho civil. Nosotros, como cristianos, no estamos en contra de los derechos civiles, entonces ¿cómo es que debemos reaccionar ante tal argumento?
Primeramente, para responder esta pregunta debemos reconocer que la sola autoridad de la humanidad debe ser la Escritura, la revelación de Dios al ser humano. En la Biblia, encontramos que la institución del matrimonio fue establecida por Dios, compuesto de un hombre y una mujer para vivir juntos hasta la muerte, concebir hijos y criarlos (Gen. 2:24). Esta institución fue establecida antes de la ley. Pensemos en que toda sociedad ha reconocido en algún momento de su existencia que el matrimonio consiste de una pareja heterosexual (sexos opuestos). Como R. Albert Mohler Jr. indica, las leyes de los Estados Unidos, en relación al matrimonio, discriminan en la actualidad, porque es necesario hacerlo. Por ejemplo, en relación a la edad y el estatus matrimonial. Existen límites en cuanto al matrimonio.

Entonces, ¿cómo debemos de reaccionar ante aquellos compañeros de la escuela, del trabajo, familiares o conocidos que se identifican como parte de la comunidad LGBT? Lee el mensaje de que es dirigido a la comunidad LGBT por Dr. Michael Brown. Lee y reflexiona en ello:

    “Entendemos, por supuesto, que a sus ojos, nuestras convicciones bíblicas      constituyen odio, y es doloroso para nosotros que ustedes lo sientan así.  
     El hecho es que nosotros realmente les amamos—más de lo que creen o 
     entienden  —y por ello, vamos a seguir hablando la verdad, convencidos 
     de que es la verdad lo que nos hace libres. El amor hace lo que es 
     correcto, incluso cuando es despreciado y burlado y ridiculizado…
    Así que, no vamos a dejar de amarlos, aunque nos llamen intolerantes,   
    incluso si afirman que los estamos privando de sus derechos civiles, si se 
    burlan de nosotros y nos llaman cristianos fanáticos. Vamos a orar por 
    ustedes, ayunar por ustedes, acercarnos a ustedes y sufrir junto con 
    ustedes. Ya sea que lo entiendan o no, estamos aquí para ayudar.

    No los menospreciamos ni despreciamos ya que, para nosotros, la cuestión
    fundamental no es la homosexualidad o la heterosexualidad. Ninguno de  
    los seres humanos está a la altura de los estándares de Dios en muchas 
    maneras, y todos         nosotros—heterosexuales y homosexuales por 
    igual—necesitamos de la misericordia divina a través de la sangre de 
    Jesús. Todos necesitamos el  perdón...”
    (Pasaje de: Brown, Michael. “¿Gay y cristiano?: Respuestas con
    AMOR y VERDAD a las preguntas acerca de la HOMOSEXUALIDAD (Spanish

Unas de las razones por las cuales la homosexualidad y el matrimonio ha venido a ser tan aceptado se debe a que la Biblia ha llegado a perder su autoridad fuera y dentro de las iglesias por decisiones del mismo ser humano. 

Hubo un punto en la historia en donde aún algunos líderes de la iglesia comenzaron a cuestionar la historia de la creación y así dejaron de creer en un Creador y Su palabra.  Cuando estos sentimientos y pensamientos brotan, la sociedad eventualmente se hace menos sensible a escuchar la voz de Dios y empieza a llevar a cabo lo que ellos quieren y como lo quieren. Deciden todo como si no hubiera autoridad alguna y actúan basados en lo que cada quien le parece correcto ante sus ojos. Van navegando sin capitán. Consecuentemente, la definición de lo que es moral, va cambiando, así como la humanidad va cambiando. 

Si no nos aferramos a reconocer que tenemos un Creador y que ese Creador nos ha dejado Su Palabra, llegamos a ser como las olas que se dejan llevar de un lado a otro y nace la inestabilidad. Corremos el peligro de ser llevados por doquiera, aceptando todo tipo de doctrina. Por eso es tan importante que los hijos de Dios hagan brotar raíces y busquen llevar fruto.   

Reconociendo la Palabra de Dios como tal, toma unos momentos y lee los siguientes pasajes y escribe en una hoja lo que aprendes de cada uno.

  • Lev. 18:22
  • Marcos 10:6
  • Ro. 1:26-27
  • Mt. 19:4-6

    Ahora, haz click en el siguiente link y responde la pequeña auto-evaluación sobre el tema que acabamos de estudiar. Trata de hacerla con calma, puedes tomarte el tiempo que quieras, pero si inicias tienes que terminarla. 

    Gracias por tu participación y es mi oración a Dios que te bendiga y te cuide.

Lesson 3 La Pureza del Cuerpo

Due by March 11

"I commit from this day on to live a life dedicated to sexual purity. Lord, help me to flee temptation but run to You. I will wait because I honor you." - Rebecca St. James

"It just sort of happened. I wasn't planning on losing my virginity. He was cute and he told me he loved me. The next day he pretended like he didn´t know me at school."  - Jenny, age 15

¿Que quiere decir la palabra pureza? ¿Porque es importante mantenerse puro?

La palabra pureza en Inglés es  definida como: Freedom  from  guilt  or  wrongdoing;  innocence,  virginity;  physical  chastity,  freedom  from  inappropriate  elements; virtue,  the  state  of  lacking  a  moral  wrongdoing;  honor.

El propósito de mantenerse puro hasta el matrimonio no es la simple idea que evites cometer un acto de deshonor, sino que crezcas en tu conocimiento, comunión y consagración a Dios. Dice en 1 Cor. 6:19-20,

"¿O ignoráis que vuestro cuerpo es templo del Espíritu Santo, el cual está en vosotros, el cual tenéis de Dios, y que no sois vuestros? Porque habéis sido comprados por precio; glorificad, pues, a Dios en vuestro cuerpo y en vuestro espíritu, los cuales son de Dios." 

Cada vez la cultura actual hace más difícil que una persona se guarde pura hasta el matrimonio. Se ha convertido la norma que una persona tenga relaciones con muchas diferentes personas antes de casarse. El concepto de lo que es tener respeto por el cuerpo está cambiando y la tecnología ha hecho más fácil que los adolescentes practiquen actos de deshonor. Tan solo considera las siguientes estadísticas:
  • La Prensa Asociada reporta que el 30% de jóvenes han estado involucrados con algún tipo de sexting.
  • La edad promedia a la que alguien mira pornografía por primera vez es antes de los doce años.
  • 77% de jovencitas ya están sexualmente activas antes de llegar a la edad de 20.

Los riesgos y daños son altos al participar en relaciones sexuales prematrimoniales (antes del matrimonio). 
  • Físicamente, los riesgos consisten en ser contagiado con una infección, algún tipo de enfermedad, el embarazo, o aborto. 
  • Emocionalmente, puede ser culpabilidad, depresión, soledad, preocupación, vergüenza, o remordimiento. 
  • Espiritualmente, el riesgo es alejarse de Dios, de la Iglesia, no poder orar, sentir que Dios no te ama ni te puede perdonar, impureza o pensar que todos te ven mal o te critican. 
La voluntad de Dios para tu vida es "vuestra santificación; que os apartéis de fornicación" (1 Tes. 4:3).

La fornicación es el acto voluntario de tener relaciones sexuales antes del matrimonio. Dios nos ordena que nos apartemos de este acto y especialmente de aquellos que consideres pequeños y que aparentan ser no-dañinos. Puede escucharse como muy exagerado, pero es algo que tiene mucho sentido...un beso o un toque físico puede llevarte a cometer actos cada vez mayores, eventualmente exponiéndote más al riesgo. Muchos son los casos como los de Jenny, que comparte su experiencia de que no era algo planeado, solo ocurrió. Al involucrarse en un noviazgo, es porque ya están planeando casarse en un futuro. El noviazgo no es una relación para determinar si esta es la persona para mi.

El matrimonio es algo tan importante y sagrado que Cristo se refiere a la Iglesia como esposa. Dice que viene por una Iglesia pura, sin mancha alguna (Ef. 5:27). Una hermosa metáfora de la cual podemos comprender la importancia del matrimonio. Una esposa se prepara, aguardando su pureza hasta la llegada de su marido. En los matrimonios, es una carga diaria al saber que la persona que amas ha tenido varias parejas y que ha llegado a causar muchos problemas en los matrimonios que no se guardaron. Por esta razón, se consciente que el sexo no es algo malo, siempre y cuando solo ocurra dentro del matrimonio.

Si hasta el día de hoy te has guardado en pureza, permanece así hasta el día de tu matrimonio. Si no es este tu caso, recuerda que:

"si confesamos nuestros pecados, Él es fiel y justo para perdonar nuestros pecados, y limpiarnos de toda maldad" (1 Jn. 1:9).

Te reto a que tomes una decisión el día de hoy. Es un reto iniciado por el Dr. Jim Burns. 

Te reto a que hagas un compromiso de mantenerte puro(o pura) hasta el día de tu matrimonio. Lee el siguiente compromiso y si decides tomarlo escríbelo en una hoja de papel y firmalo poniendo la fecha y el lugar donde aceptaste el compromiso.

The Purity Code Pledge

In honor of God, my family, and my future spouse, I commit to sexual purity. This involves:
  • Honoring God with my body
  • Renewing my mind for the good
  • Turning my eyes from worthless things
  • Guarding my heart above all else

(Tu firma)

Ahora, haz click en el siguiente link y responde la pequeña auto-evaluación sobre el tema que acabamos de estudiar. Trata de hacerla con calma, puedes tomarte el tiempo que quieras, pero si inicias tienes que terminarla. 
Gracias por tu participación y es mi oración a Dios que te bendiga y te cuide.